SongZimathaSingerSally Mwalr

a Malawian singer of Reggae songs

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An emotional exploration of origin, identity, and growth that navigates the soft tension between simplicity and the allure of infinite growth. It deliberately uses a soft point of view to diminish that tension into your subconscious.

Our journey in life begins somewhere less complicated before exposure slowly diminishes what once felt like the big things as you climb the mountain. Some embrace simplicity and the boundaries of what’s familiar by choice or because it’s the only world they ever knew. And others embrace a broader outlook and the expansive vistas they aspire to explore in search of a nuanced identity – either because they don’t want to confuse surrender with contentment or because they are not aware that you can have or be anything in life as long as it’s not EVERYTHING.

Despite stepping on a few toes (including my own) with some mean undertones, it has enough soft language around it to turn everything into a light-hearted conversation that emphasizes the music.

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